Magnetic Phase Transitions and Spin Density Distribution in the Molecular Multiferroic System GaV 4S 8, Rebecca L. Need, Kaveh Ahadi, Yang Zhao, Zhijun Xu, Brian J. B 103, 094413 (2021).Ĭorrelating Magnetic Structure and Magnetotransport in Semimetal Thin Films of Eu 1-xSm xTiO 3, Zach Porter, Ryan F. Ghimire, Dina Michel, Peter Siegfried, and Igor I. Lynn, Kenji Nakajima, Naoki Murai, WenBin Wang, and Jun Zhao, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 237411 (2021).Ĭhiral properties of the zero-field spiral state and field-induced magnetic phases of the itinerant kagome metal YMn 6Sn 6, Rebecca L. Press Release.įield-tuned Magnetic Structure and Phase Diagram of the Honeycomb Magnet YbCl 3, Yiqing Hao, HongLiang Wo, YiMeng Gu, XiaoWen Zhang, YiQing Gu, ShiYi Zheng, Yang Zhao, GuangYong Xu, Jeffrey W. Ĭompeting Magnetic Phases and Fluctuation-driven Scalar Spin Chirality in the Kagome Metal YMn 6Sn 6, Nirmal J. Dally, Daniel Phelan, Nicholas Bishop, Nirmal J. Isotropic Nature of the Metallic Kagome Ferromagnet Fe 3Sn 2 at High Temperatures, Rebecca L. Dally, Lekh Poudel, Markus Bleuel, Jeffrey W. Magnetization-driven Lifshitz transition and charge-spin coupling in the kagome metal YMn 6Sn 6, Peter E. Kengle, Stella Sun, Kevin Allen, Qizhi Li, Y. Incommensurate magnetic orders and possible field-induced skyrmions in the square-net centrosymmetric EuGa 2Al 2 system, Jaime M. Lynn, Efthimios Kaxiras, Riccardo Comin, Liang Fu, and Joseph G. Chan, Takehito Suzuki, Jonathan Denlinger, Chris Jozwiak, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Xiu Zhen Yu, Yang Zhao, Jeffrey W. Resonant electron flat band in a spin moiré superlattice, Takashi Kurumaji, Nisarga Paul, Shiang Fang, Mingu Kang, Lincong Peng, David Graf, Linda Ye, Mun K. Materials where the magnetic ions occupy a kagome lattice provide another class of very interesting systems. One such family is represented by the cubic half-Heusler materials where the antiferromagnetism breaks time reversal and translational symmetries but preserves the combination, leading to a new type of system, the antiferromagnetic topological insulator. Even more interesting are systems that exhibit both symmetry breaking order parameters and topologically nontrivial states, which can give rise to exotic collective modes and states. In the so-called Z 2 two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems, these topologically protected metallic states are of interest not only from a fundamental point of view, but also because they have the technological potential to transform spintronics and quantum computation applications. Half-Heusler, Kagome Topological Systems and Related For a general explanation please see the news item at, while the publication can be found at Science 365, 377 (2019) ( perspective by Hassinger and Meng). has discovered the particularly interesting phenomenon of Singular Angular MagnetoResistance (SAMR).

In the Weyl semimetal CeAlGe, Joe Checkelsky's group at M.I.T. For the well-studied 3d systems the spin-order interaction typically does not play an essential role, which is one of the reasons attention in the condensed matter community has turned to 4d, 5d, and 5f systems.įurther expansion of these new and fascinating systems now includes Topological Semimetals. One of the essential properties of TI's is a strong spin-orbit interaction, which interaction becomes larger the heavier the element. These latter systems lack the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking, rather exhibiting topological order associated with the presence of nontrivial topological components that lead to gapless boundary modes with chirality. With the discovery of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect, and now for Topological Insulators (TI), the traditional classification of quantum phases of matter has expanded. Phase transitions in condensed matter physics generally have been identified with an order parameter that spontaneously breaks the symmetry of the system and develops long range order, such as for the magnetization that develops in a ferromagnet below the Curie temperature or the staggered magnetization below the Néel temperature in an antiferromagnet.